The Evidence

There is no grand claim: we know they work. They are influenced by tried and tested youth work approaches in the UK and US, such as the Brathay Trust in the Lake District and the Harlem Children’s Zone in New York. We carry out rigorous research and evaluation with our local universities, testing and adapting each programme to understand what works and how we can be most effective.


Our model of working is based on long-term work with communities which we know has the most powerful impact. Our activities last throughout the year, sometimes for several years. Some of the young people on current programmes have been working with us for five years, beginning in year 8 and now at a FE college or sixth form.

Young people build determination, resilience and confidence for their future

Young people see the benefits of a successful education, reach their full potential and improve their life chances

Young people are empowered to understand, value and use their own personal qualities

Young people and their families understand the wide range of options open to them, including high quality employment, apprenticeships and higher education

Real Life Student Stories

Before starting university, I was very excited. I think the opportunity to be independent and take life into my own hands was very appealing to me, which fuelled the excitement. I was also very cautious and focused due to being the very first member of my family to go to university, and also not knowing anyone at the university or city I was going to attend.

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